Annie Keki Annie Keki

Guided Meditation

Guided mediation with sound healing energy, 9.45am Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.

A wonderful way to start your day and to explore being you, being fabulous and being free with our gentle guided meditation and sound healing energy. Finding a balance between activity and stillness, self and others, perception and reality can be transformative.

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Annie Keki Annie Keki

I Am Day 41

When a journey you embark upon unfolds your milestones become points that make your steps, the record your point on the timeline and there is a moment when the distance travelled represents a point of no return. Your achievement is enough to move you forward to the end. That may be the halfway point, it may differ depending on the type of journey you are on and whether the end represents everything or just part of what you are setting out to achieve.

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Annie Keki Annie Keki

I am day 31

I am walking one step at a time to the destination of my choice

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Annie Keki Annie Keki

I am day 21

I am walking one step at a time to the destination of my choice

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Annie Keki Annie Keki

Don’t Be No Fool

Young hearts run free, don’t be no fool…your life is yours for the taking. Be free, brave and take your chances on love, on life and on trusting your instinct to steer you along a path that is right for you.

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Annie Keki Annie Keki

Thank You

A beautiful start to each day; to be thankful. My journey is unique and how I navigate it is up to me. I take it one day at a time. Occasionally, as now, I also plan a little project; a meander on my beautiful path. To focus on a particular thing I am working to achieve day at a time, one step at a time.

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Annie Keki Annie Keki

Your Own Green Energy

Your mind is the most powerful and plentiful source of renewable energy for you. It will power you to your dreams, so powerful is your mind it will flatten hills for you. Learn just how powerful your mind it so you can learn to use your power.

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Annie Keki Annie Keki

The Power of A Smile

A smile has many functions, don’t underestimate its power to motivate you to find a little bit more when you feel empty.

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Annie Keki Annie Keki

Every Day Is A New Year

Every day is the beginning of a new year, find new ways to ensure your good intentions are always your priority

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Annie Keki Annie Keki

Queen Elizabeth II

A life is a journey, Queen Elizabeth II it seems was prepared to take that journey with a full heart and commitment. I can only speculate what she experienced in the elevated role her life presented, but she seemed at all times down-to-earth in a very human way. The type of woman who know the pomp and ceremony were just that and at the end of the day she was human and drawn to these moments of personal intimacy that were not shared as part of her public role. I think she did her job as Queen and life her life as Lilibet, today we must say goodbye to both the Queen and the woman.

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Annie Keki Annie Keki

I Lost My Tooth!

Being the size and shape you want is essential to being happy in your own skin and living your live on your terms. There is no mystery to it, but it has to come from the individual. Only they know what they want and how best to achieve it. It always great to hear from someone who has achieved what they want. Don’t allow sugar to dictate to you, learn about how you can control it and use it to your advantage. Hypnosis is the perfect tool to get control of your weight. It is easy, natural and very effective so loose weight and start living the life you want.

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Annie Keki Annie Keki

I Love The Sunshine

Sunshine is like pure energy, it makes me feel warm, alive and able to move freely. That wonderful feeling of it on my skin is a reminder of not only how powerful it is but how essential. I love it when it is here and miss it when it goes away for too long…I think that’s friendship.

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Annie Keki Annie Keki


I feel awesome, not because of anything in particular. I am positive, that is an easy attitude for me, but not one I take for granted. I have learned you cannot make other people positive…but you resist their desire to make you less so.

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Annie Keki Annie Keki

My Words…

Words have forever been an important part of my life. Occasionally I share them, but most often they are just for me. Everyone has words in their lives, not everyone is mindful of them beyond the usual everyday utilisation of them.

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Annie Keki Annie Keki

Yes…you can!

Yes…you can achieve whatever you want. It will take your time, dedication, determination, have work and great effort. It will be worth it.

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