Thank You

This is how I start every day…with a Thank You.

Thank you to the universe for me opening my eyes, for my home and garden, my attitude, its presence…for everything I have and will have.

It’s a very simple beginning to each day, a grounding experience that gets me up on my feet and smiling, knowing I am fortunate, happy and able. In my work I gently allow people to explore who they are, what they want and how to reach their desired goals; be they personal or professional. I love my work; it brings me the opportunity to let individuals find their individuality and learn how to work with it and use it to their advantage. One of the first things people generally do is need to adjust their opinion of themselves and that is an interesting process. To find you have always thought you were one thing, or more commonly always been told you are a certain thing only to find you are the wonderful, unique individual with depths you are free and safe to explore and a bright wide world in front of you to hold you in its firm, loving embrace while you take steps forward to the future of your design.

These journeys can be complex, they involve others, the routines you have followed for years and now you are exploring opportunities you have never considered and thinking about making seismic changes…one step at a time.

It’s really lovely when an individual is ready to continue their journey in their own time, my role is over, I had the privilege to walk a few steps of their journey at a particular moment in their life and they are now going off to allow their life to happen, to use their unique ability to live their exact life with confidence, exuberance, willingness and interest. They often turn round and say Thank You. It is simple, beautiful and so meaningful.

I am still amazed after some twenty years of living with awareness that I practice the things I recommend to others. I am on a little meander within my journey, one of those routes I set for myself; rather than my usual practice of just waking up and ‘having a day’. I have set myself 144 days, I considered 100 days; a little cliched but a lovely number to work with. But got a desire to use a number in Fibonacci’s (Leonardo Bonacci or Leonardo of Pisa (short for filius Bonacci ('son of Bonacci')) sequence so the nearest is 144. I will take the first 100 days as a series of 10 blocks of 10 days, and further take each 10 days as a series of ten single days and further differentiate each day into hours as I stroll through this project. For the final 44 days I will take them in 10 blocks of 4 days without further reducing them. It is a one step at a time approach, not only does it allow you to navigate a clear path it allows you to take your time and see the results. While also allowing you to take the brake off, once you have done the practice; those short steps at the beginning gradually lengthening until you are taking strides so big you almost have to leap and run! That is how I find it works for me and I am now on day 5; or half way through the first block of 10 days. I have already done what I need to do to complete the block. I just repeat what I have already done, no need to question if I am able to, I already have. Naturally when I complete the first 10 days I am again in the privileged position of knowing I can complete the next 10 days because I am just repeating what I have already excelled at doing. Loving it!

Have a great day and whatever part of your journey you are on remember to stop and look up at the sky and down at your feet as you place them gently one-foot-in-front-of-the-other,

Love AK -x-

Annie Keki

As a designer I enjoy the time I spend developing ideas and creating beautiful things. As a human being I enjoy the time I spend developing myself.

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