I Lost My Tooth!

The other day we received a message from a client and it started…I Lost My Tooth! Thank you. The tooth in question was a ‘sweet tooth’ in fact what they had just discovered is that their previous love of all things sweet was no longer a part of their life…which is exactly what they had wanted. It is over 12 months since we worked with this client to allow them to gain control of their size and shape. Part of their change was to reevaluate their relationship with processed sugar. Over the intervening months they have been very happily getting on with their life and then the other day, as part of a celebration, they decided to have some cakes etc. They eat the cakes without any concern but found that in fact what they had expected to be a delight, an old friend, something they had missed was in fact something they no longer really liked. They wrote…

I found, as I was eating about my 3rd sugary thing, that I actually wanted a lovely sandwich. I just was not enjoying the cake! It was great to learn that, a real revelation! I wanted to share it with you. I have not wanted anything sugary but have been thinking I would still love it, so was shocked to find I have not been having it because I simply do not want or enjoy it! I know you will say ‘I did it all myself’ and I accept that, but you taught me how and I wanted to say thank you. By the way, I had a really lovely cheese, avocado and carrot chutney sandwich with a glass of champagne and it was as lovely as I remember all that crap I used to eat being. I have truly changed what I want, what I eat, it’s like you originally told me… ‘I am happy, healthy and the shape and size I want to be…without any drama!’

Annie Keki

As a designer I enjoy the time I spend developing ideas and creating beautiful things. As a human being I enjoy the time I spend developing myself.


Queen Elizabeth II


I Love The Sunshine