Yes…you can!

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Yes…you can!

Not everyone knows they can…not everyone has tested the theory. There are caveats…we do not live in a world where everyone gets the opportunity. Those that do and are prepared to have the idea, then do the work, will learn there are very few things they cannot achieve.

It may be very difficult and force you to call on resources you never imagined you had…but with focus, determination, dedication and hard work you will discover not only that you can but that you enjoy reaching your goals.

The beauty of setting yourself something you are not sure you are capable of is that you get the opportunity to discover just who you are. The hardest lessons, once learned, actually become part of you. You will find the next time you are challenged the knowledge steps in to reassure you…Yes…you can.

I have achieved many things in my life, personally fulfilling and socially responsible endeavours are now part of my story, my journey and they facilitate me to ‘think big’ because I know I can.


Setting out to conquer the world or own it is not the type of ambition I am talking about. Setting a goal for personal fulfilment such as the life you want, the perfect job, using your time to ensure you’re present in your life. Being open to new opportunities, saying ‘Yes’ even when you feel a little fearful. Being open to new experiences, accepting you deserve success in return for hard work and knowing that failure is a natural part of success. Being able to have another go, undiminished by previous failure is a mindset that allows you to live life through the good times and the bad accepting that life is a blend of both positive and negative and one is not possible without the other. A life is a gift, to be lived with respect, freedom and sure in the knowledge it is very short and you will regret not trying something more than not doing something. Have a go because…Yes…you can!

Annie Keki

As a designer I enjoy the time I spend developing ideas and creating beautiful things. As a human being I enjoy the time I spend developing myself.

My Words…