

It begins with understanding who you are.

Maybe you are who you want to be, you look in the mirror, hear your voice in a room and recognise yourself. You, then, will know how freeing and exhilarating that is. Yes, it comes with responsibilities and work, but it is rewarding and empowering, to be you.

If you do not recognise yourself, or you are dissatisfied or disappointed with who you have become, perhaps it is time to re-evaluate where you are and where you are heading.

We do not have your answers, only you have them. Perhaps over time you have become a little lost under life’s layers and it is time to rediscover the essence of you.

Change is an essential part of change. We are often met by people who want to change but are unwilling to make changes. If you are ready to work on finding your direction, we are ready to accompany and support you on that journey.

Annie Keki

As a designer I enjoy the time I spend developing ideas and creating beautiful things. As a human being I enjoy the time I spend developing myself.



My Words…