Your Journey…

I am me…

When you start your journey with us…you write the pages.

While we do not know where your journey will take you, or even what type of journey you will take. We know you will take it safely and under our watchful care.

You will be free to explore what you need, confront whatever you need to in a safe and secure way. Raise your voice and possibly hear for the first time exactly what it is you want.

Who you are is never fully formed, we are constantly changing and developing. Sometimes the world, our circumstances, experiences and life itself, have wrought too much influence, been allowed to proceed unchecked and made us a version of ourself that is no longer appropriate. What we can teach you is the skills, resources and resourcefulness to take back control of your life…of you.

Being who you want to be, being happy, fulfilled and true is your right. If you don’t feel the face you turn to the world each morning represents you…release the real you so you accurately represent yourself every day in a changing world.


People contact us for many reasons; personal trauma, fear, depression, sadness, emptiness, a lack of motivation or simply feeling like a stranger in their own life. On the face of it, what we do can seem rather insignificant, but it’s not. Quite the opposite. We work in this field because we get to witness remarkable things. Being part of someone turning on the light in their own life is a privilege, one we take seriously. Watching someone take the first step of a journey, even when they are not sure where it will lead them, or how difficult it will be, is tentative. People often tell us what they are going to work on. We always tell them; you may find you are not wholly able to dictate where your journey will go. It will go where it needs and show you what you need to see, it will also protect you and show you exactly why you’re on this journey, giving you the understanding and resources to increasingly take over the navigation and outcome. By the end of your journey…you are in complete control.

Your Approach

Everyone works differently to achieve the change they desire. Because we use techniques that put you at the centre of things, your way of achieving change is what you will employ. You will bring everything you know, all your skill, past experience, personality, resources and knowledge. After all, at the beginning of this journey, you are the one with all the answers. We do not have answers for you, you do not need any. What you need is the support, skill and guidance to uncover your answers to whatever you are working to achieve. That is where our skill and training meets your desire to achieve something. We guide you to find your appropriate answers, often they are shrouded under layers and can be difficult to uncover. In a way that is right for you those answers and how to apply them will become the catalyst for the changes you desire. Everything can be made better, there are no barriers to achieving what you want and we will help you discover that your past is not your future. Your future is whatever you want and are prepared to work for and we will be with you every step of the way.

Honesty is important if you wish to live your life to your own design, it is important both to be honest with yourself and to be brave enough to be honest with the wider world.

Honesty is a mark of respect and gives you the courage of your convictions without fear you are storing up future problems.  What you may already know, or will learn, is when you are living your true life your honesty, though often unexpected, is usually well received.

People who seek us out are generally interested in their own life at a particular juncture.  It could be you are questioning how you got to where you are, who you are, why you are less satisfied than you expected, what route you should take, how on earth you can cope with this moment in time; or you are in crisis and unable to think of anything but the overwhelming place you find yourself.  For whatever reason, my advice, and I rarely give it, is that if you feel you need some help you are probably right.  There is no better protector of you than yourself; if some part of you is telling you to get some help you should listen.

We have worked with people who needed a little more self-belief for an interview and people who cannot imagine their life will ever be worth living.  Throughout our lives we are somewhere on a spectrum of emotion and often we are likely to need no help at all to navigate our situation.  Recognising when we need a little help and employing it is a wise and prudent thing to do.

Modern therapy is a tool like any other we use to assist us achieve a particular job.  If you had a field to plough you would be unlike to shun a plough or a tractor and set about it with your fingertips.  You may need a little training to use the plough or tractor but once you had it the job would be completed efficiently and the field ready for planting.  So why when you have a life in need of understanding would you opt not to take the opportunity to use the tools available.  It is very likely you have the tools and just need a little direction in their use.

All the services we offer are completely personal and centred on your particular moment and situation.  Although people seek help with specific things; as you will know our lives, personalities and actions are inextricably linked so whatever you are working on it is likely to involve other areas and aspects of you.

While it is inappropriate to make sweeping statements; I am confident whatever you are feeling is natural so do not be ashamed to talk about it.  Difficulties you are experiencing are within your power to better understand and address, you just need a little help for a time.  If you urgently need support contact someone now.

One thing we really do all have in common is we all experience difficulties, so you are not alone or unique in needing some help.

Journeys I can join you on start with a conversation, so before anything can begin you will need an initial consultation to express what you wish to share and hope to achieve.  From there, if needed, your route forward will be designed specifically for you, tailored to your need and your method of dealing with things.  You will get the opportunity to take control of things under my gentle guidance, always with love and honesty.  The most positive thing I can tell you is that as a human being you are uniquely capable to achieve almost whatever you focus on doing.  So be mindful what you focus on.