Terms and Conditions


Personal Information

Any personal information will be viewed only by the client and their therapist. All information will be kept for the purpose of the therapy sought and any possible future sessions required. Records are stored safely and will be retained for 1 year following the end of your therapy.

Missed appointments and late arrivals

The duration of sessions may vary. Should you arrive late for a session we may not be able to extend the session beyond our original scheduled ending time, as we may have another client due.

If you need to cancel a session, for whatever reason, we require 72 hours’ notice in order to avoid payment of our fee. One other session date will be offered as an option. On the rare occasion we are unable to keep our appointment we will give you as much notice as possible, and will not expect payment.


 As registered members of the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR) all therapists abide by their Code of Ethics. Everything discussed between us is kept confidential. The exceptions to these are if: 

It’s believed you or someone else was at risk of serious harm

We hear of harm or abuse to a child

We are ordered by a court of law

We become aware of an act of terrorism

If your therapist believes you are at risk of harming yourself, they will consider contacting your GP.  They would make every effort to discuss any concerns they have with you first.

In accordance with best clinical practice, therapists discuss their work with a counselling supervisor. All supervisors are bound by the same code of confidentiality and ethical framework.

Data Protection Act

Any personal details we keep are stored securely. Under the terms of the 2018 Data Protection you must give your consent to such information being made and retained. By signing our agreement, you are giving such permission.

Fees and Payments

Fees will be discussed at the beginning, we accept payment by bank transfer, debit or credit card. All fees are due at the time of booking. You will be given a receipt for all payments.

Professional boundaries

The relationship that develops between us is an important part of the process. Part of what enables the process to work is the maintenance of boundaries between us. It is therefore not helpful to allow our therapeutic relationship to have the features of a friendship, such as therapists sharing too much personal information, exchanging presents or contact between sessions.