Every Day Is A New Year

New Year…don’t be that person who heralds in the New Year full of false promises to yourself.  With a list as predictable as the fact you are likely to fail within hours of your proclamations.  Don’t rush to change your life based on a particular second.  Yes, the New Year we all mark is a moment to focus the mind, a time to consider the past year, enjoy the moment and welcome the promise and expectation of a brand new year.  But in fact every day is a new year, every day brings you the opportunity to mark the beginning of achieving the very best for yourself.  So just take the pressure off yourself, don’t follow the herd, you are unique, dance to your beat, embrace every day as a step on your journey of discovery and take a step each day towards achieving your dreams…because you deserve them and are capable to making them your reality with focus, vision, hard work and commitment.

Annie Keki

As a designer I enjoy the time I spend developing ideas and creating beautiful things. As a human being I enjoy the time I spend developing myself.


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Queen Elizabeth II