I am day 21

When you make a commitment to yourself, to place one-foot-in-front-of-the-other to your destination, no matter how slow your pace may be, no matter how tired you are, no matter how well you can argue to stop, is perhaps the most significant factor in completing your journey. You have to know you can, you have to believe you will and you have to be prepared to just do it; no matter what.

Each journey has its own highs and lows, in part balancing one with the other to create an even landscape in your mind throughout is one way to deal with things. So when you are first stepping out, you are full of energy, optimism, conviction and intent; temper it a little, take some of that mixture and place it in your pocket for a future day. A day when you are miserable, tired, question the reason for this stupid endeavour, reasoning how little difference it will make anyway, thinking your exhaustion is good reason to stop, congratulating yourself for having had the idea, giving it a good go and probably learnt all you needed from it by now. These are the days when you need to remember tomorrow will be better, you will feel different, the sun will be shining, you will be excited to continue, you love what you are doing and why. Having a little in your pocket for these days can replenish depleted reserves and hold you up when you want to fall.

I am day 21

Annie Keki

As a designer I enjoy the time I spend developing ideas and creating beautiful things. As a human being I enjoy the time I spend developing myself.


I am day 31


Don’t Be No Fool