Hypnobirthing, because a great start can make all the difference…for life.

This course is individually tailored to you, it is not a group course, it is a personal course for you, your baby or babies and your birthing partner or partners. You will learn the skills of deep relaxation, mind and body control including pain management. Understanding exactly what is happening and how to control it will allow you to confidently participate in the birthing experience you want.

Hypnobirthing Course

  • Session One.

    Your initial session involves learning about hypnotic trance, relaxation and stress relief. Themes you will practice many time to prepare you for the birth. By the time baby arrives you will have all the experience and confidence you need to apply your techniques at the perfect time.

  • Session Two.

    Increasing your ability to relax and understanding just how you can induce relaxation. Getting used to the idea you will, one day soon, be meeting your baby or babies in person and anticipating how that may feel. How you can prepare baby for your first meeting.

  • Session Three.

    Putting all the learning into practice by learning how to hypnotise yourself. Understanding how it feels, how you can utilise it to achieve the outcomes you want during your pregnancy, labour and birth. Practice makes perfect.

  • Session Four

    Autogenic Training for Relaxation. Knowing what you are doing is the secret to being in control of your situation. This course is designed to ensure you are practiced in all the techniques you will employ to have the best birthing experience possible.

  • Session Five

    Birthing partner training. Your birthing partner will be there to support you through the whole process. They need to understand what you will be doing; because you have a lot of new techniques they have not experienced. They will learn how to support you through your hypnobirthing experience using correct terms and responses.

  • Session Six

    You are now ready to use all the hypnosis skills you have learnt for the final preparation and visualisation of your birthing experience. Calmly, managing pain, preparing your mind and body, allowing things to happen and welcoming your new baby or babies to the world. Baby too is ready for this because all they have been involved throughout the course.