Your perfect shape and size, is achievable. Start that journey now, be… Happy Slimmer.

Happy Slimmer; a course designed to ensure you are happy while you achieve your perfect shape and size. Your happiness remains as you maintain it.

Yes, you can achieve your perfect shape and size. If you are not the shape and size you want to be, and there is no underlying medical reason, hypnosis could be your perfect solution.

No diets, no calorie counting, no weighing; either yourself or your food. Learn through Hypnosis exactly how to work with yourself to achieve your perfect shape and size. Find your natural balance and be able to quickly adopt the good practice you already know all about or find new healthy and fulfilling ways to manage your daily relationship with food and drink.

This option is for individual clinical hypnosis to achieve your perfect shape and size. However if you wish to share the journey with one or more other people, hypnosis is perfect for pairs or larger groups. To discuss the correct package for your needs please telephone or contact us via the site.

For a chat about just what you can achieve with professional Clinical Hypnotherapy, and to start your journey to who you are and want to be, contact us now.

Happy Slimmer Course.

  • Week One

    Your journey starts with a frank and honest look at where you are, how you got here and what is keeping you here. Only by addressing the causes of your current shape and size can we determine just what you wish to change. The work begins immediately, in hypnosis you will learn what you want to change and how you’ll do it. An audio to listen to each day until your next session allows continual progress.

  • Week Two

    If you have done what you should, this is a great session, you will be feeling the improvements and feeling rightly proud that you are the author of these changes. Week two consolidates and builds on your naturally changing behaviour and reinforces what you wish to achieve, giving you the tools to make it happen. No overthinking things at this point. Listen daily to your audio you will move forward.

  • Week Three

    You will be amazed by just how much you have learned, how easy and natural the changes are. Remember we are working to achieve what you want so it makes for an organic process. As long as you are walking-the-walk and not just talking-the-talk, you are now beginning to see just how effective you are in achieving your perfect shape and size. The audio continues daily…

  • Week Four

    Depending on the course of treatment you choose, this could be your final formal session. By now you are living your new life with food and drink. Managing it in the way that is right for you and your lifestyle and experiencing the physical, mental and emotional changes. You are a Happy Slimmer and you will continue to be Happy as you remain slimmer; forever.

  • Session Five (optional)

    If you choose to continue with the support of the course, you will have this session approximately four weeks later. This session will be used to discuss your progress, address areas you feel will benefit from additional attention and you will enjoy a clinical hypnosis session to further reinforce all your progress and ensure your focus and determination are boosted.

  • Session Six (optional)

    It can be a great support to catch up, after as long as six months of progress. Your session will focus on anything you wish to revisit or introduce. Some people opt for a virtual gastric band as part of their course, or a focus on sugar addiction. Whatever you want to explore, you will now have the knowledge and experience to adapt the course to suit you.

Hypnotherapy for controlling your size and shape is a proven effective and natural way to regain control and understanding of your relationship with food and drink. The minimum number of therapy sessions is 4 the maximum number is 6. The difference between the number of sessions you choose depends on the experience you want. Sessions 1 to 4 are undertaken weekly and each is accompanied by instructions and a personalised audio recording for you to listing to. Additional sessions 5 and 6 allow you to check in after a month or two to establish what is most helpful and what you may want to discuss. If you wish to include the virtual gastric band you will require additional sessions and I recommend booking them at the beginning. We will discuss your requirements at the initial visit/consultation to allow you to select the most appropriate option for you.